STS-Summer I

Friday, June 23, 2006

question for 6-22

Expanding our population out into the galaxy is definitely not a feesible solution to overpopulation right now. We must use what we have within our reach right now, before we depend on science needed to live on another planet. I feel that the biggest problem that we have with over population is the lack of attention this issue is getting. This is one of the most important issues that face us today. One of the most feesible solutions that we could do is to educate people of both the problem and methods of birth control. No, we cannot distribute birthcontrol pills out to the entire world, but we could probably disribute more than we are right now. Also, why don't we use our technologies to find ways of creating cheaper but effective methods of contreception and teach people in other countries how to make it. If there really are going to be the predicted 9 billion people in the world in 2050 verses the 6.5 billion today according to, we will need to do something. If not, its possible that disease or famine will.


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