STS-Summer I

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Chapter 10 Response

Ok, give me just a moment to stop laughing and looking for a zoo close by. (It's not for me, I swear.)

Now, I was always under the inpression that Neanderthals and humans were decendents. I seem to rememeber in my High School Biology textbook that "Evolution of Man" little diagram with Neanderthal Luke on one side and present day Luke on the other. I was under the impression that this change took a few thousand years or so and some evolution in between, but I also thought that there was some "getting on" getting on in order to get from one side of the dialgram to the other.

I guess I was wrong.

I had NO idea that humans were not direct decendants of Neanderthals. I'm actually trying to figure out why my Biology teacher, or anyone else in the Sciences for that matter, told us that this was the case. While sometimes the truth "shall set you free," this truth left me a little scared, in need of a shower or ten, and a little confused.

I was humored, though; which is always good.


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