STS-Summer I

Monday, June 11, 2007

Chapter 16

I found this chapter very interesting, especially compared to Ch. 15. The idea that instead of everyone dying out because of technology, technology will enable us to live forever. Even though it is an abrupt change from the last article, it is still not a future that I would want to be a part of. A technology so advanced that we lose all individuality, language, and emotion to live on forever as a part of a giant network. Living forever as part of a whole and losing all sense of self and individuality is not a place where I would want to live. I do not like the idea of computers becoming so powerful that they succeed us as the human race, in a blending of genetics and technology, is not a future that I would want to embrace. I think that I would almost rather live in the technology collapsed world of Ch 15 then this world, because then I could at least retain my humanity. I do not really believe that technology could advance so far so quickly that we would able to see such advances in our lifetime, and I know that I would not want to live forever. I have accepted my mortality and the idea of living forever is just too much for me.


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