STS-Summer I

Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Handmaids Tale

I thought that there were many different interesting aspects to the Handmaids Tale, especially the unique perspective of the future. I thought it was wild to imagine a future where democracy and freedom has essentially been destroyed, and religion has become supreme, or at least one religion has. It is almost the opposite of how our government is now, with how religion plays virtually no role in the government and the way our country is run. It was vaguely reminiscent of Hitler and WW2 where one regime took over and would not tolerate any other perspectives. A radical religious group assasinates the majority of the government and stages a coup and the entire US is completely changed within a matter of months. Women become completely subjugated again, and catholics, quakers, protestants, homosexuals, basically every group that would not conform is executed and hung on walls as examples for everyone else. It was the worst kind of war, where everyone lost their freedom.


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