STS-Summer I

Friday, June 13, 2008

Why We Fight

This movie was just so well done. It was an eye opener for me, and I am not beyond believing a little government conspiracy and corruption. I considered myself fairly educated on these topics that are slightly taboo, but there were just so many details I didn’t know. Also, seeing footage is so different from seeing words on a page. It becomes real. It becomes emotional.

At the beginning of the film, John McCain states that we fight wars to spread democracy and freedom. President Bush echoes this sentiment saying we are “fighting the enemies of freedom.” If we are truly fighting wars to benefit others, why did we choose to fight a war in Iraq rather than intervene in Darfur where genocide was in progress? However, as this film progresses it becomes clear why we are really fighting so many wars like Iraq.

It seems that we are fighting to expand America’s superpower status and to keep the military-industrial complex expanding. (Eisenhower warned us not to let this interfere with our democratic process…) Military spending is directly involved with big business. Big business dictates American policy, even its military and war actions. Big business expansions means more jobs for politicians’ constituents.

I know this film, like everything else, has an agenda. Someone on the video states that Japan tried to surrender before we dropped the atom bomb but that Eisenhower wouldn’t let them. Is there evidence for this? I also just want to state that I was actually surprised by some of McCain’s comments in the film and his admittance at corruption within his own party to some extent. Perhaps, this man is worth a little more of my attention as the election progresses...

This film raises many questions that more Americans need to be asking. It is my hope that documentaries like this continue to grow in popularity and shed light on the topics that the television media and the government refuse to discuss.


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