STS-Summer I

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sexual Evolution

This article made me laugh, a lot. From the breezy, non-scholarly approach of the author to the description of how humans will have sex with anything, this article was fun to read. It also had some good points to make.

For starters, us men can feel better about our...ahem, you-know-what, in relation to chimps and Neandertals. Secondly, the regulations on chimp sex (only whenever the female signals that she's fertile) recall the set-up of "The Handmaid's Tale." It's simply unnatural for humans to wait until the female is ready to concieve before they have sex. No matter how little we get to have sex anyways (well, some of us have better luck than others).

Try as they might, religious conservatives will never really win the battle over sexuality because it's just too plain appealing to humans to have it given out in such small doses, solely for procreation. That's what distinguishes us from our relatives in the natural world. Such movements to curb sexuality are like trying to put the genie back in the box; it ain't gonna happen.

In a weird way, I think that science might actually help the anti-sexuality forces, thanks to sperm banks and other non-sexual ways to concieve children. Then again, that will never replace the thrill of another person's body intermingling with your own. So I feel like human sex, in all its derivations, is too fun to get rid of (and the "moralistic" men in charge of the Gilead society know this all too well, as evidenced by the interlude at Jezebel's)


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