STS-Summer I

Thursday, May 31, 2007

External Technology

External technology has a strong affect on me personally, most notably the internet. A large portion of my family lives in the middle part of the US and my brother will soon be relocated to the west coast while pursuing his PhD. Because of this, and because of my status as less than poor college student, it is hard for me to afford certain types of technology (such as long distance) to keep in touch. However, the internet allows for a much more affordable means for me to keep in contact whether it be through email or sites like facebook and myspace. Also, my brother was stationed overseas with the Air Force during the intial bombing of Iraq. With the limited abilities presented to myself and my family to contact my brother, the internet and emails made it much easier to keep in close contact with how things were going. Also, at the moment, I have an uncle very close to me going through some really rough times physically and with him living in St. Louis (and thankfully being an internet junkie) allows for us to keep in closer contact than we would have without the internet. So, overall in the broader spectrum of my life, external technology plays a large part in my inner life and how I am able to keep in close contact with my family. Coming from as close-knit a family as I have, it is hard to be separated so much of the time and it is times like these that I am thankful for the technologies we have and the science that led to them.


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