STS-Summer I

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Chapter 10

After reading Chapter 10 of our reading one thing seems crystal clear, Mark Summers, the author of "The Sexual Evolution," is one weird dude. But his point, if I get it right, was to describe how sex played a crucial role in which species (Homo sapiens / Neanderthal) ultimately dominated and won out other the other. Although for all of Sumner’s comedic undertones, his point seems to be small beans. Although sex surely played some parts in Homo sapiens becoming the dominant species over Neanderthals, in no way was this the only factor. More likely, as Jared Diamond's book "Guns, Germs, and Steel" illustrates, there were several factors which made the Neanderthals the less effective species. But thinking about how sexual relations have made some species more effective at survival than others is interesting.


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