STS-Summer I

Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Handmaid's Tale - 2

"The Handmaid's Tale" discusses many topics of controversy. Servitude, promiscuity, and indulgence all of which can be viewed as sins by one group or another. Our constitution gives us the right to freedom which leads to these type of action many times in this society. The events like 9-11 and wars should show us that we need to watch over our shoulders because others are always judging and trying to take away the rights we hold so dear. All it takes is one plane, one boat or one car in just the right place and our lives are changed forever. The is shown in "The Handmaid's Tale" by the fact that their live went from being like ours to a whole new life by having one group of men kill one group of people. Just the right group at just the right time and the world changes.


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