STS-Summer I

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Response to Chapter One

I find it interesting that "scientific methodology" seems to me to be nothing more than, what most of us would call, Common Sense. A light bulb ges out; you replace it. Simple, easy and painless. However, you may not always be right. The chapter also expands on this that there may be other factors at work, but as long as the end result is the same (the light coming back on,) no one really gives it a second thought. Peer Review is something, to me, that most people seem to dread. Not many people enjoy it when they are proven wrong. I know I don't. My ex always seemed to get some perverse pleasure whenever she had to correct me on something.

The basic question the Chapter asks is: What is Science? Science is basically something that you can test using some form of method, whether it be scientific or simply based on faith. Science is also a flexible "object." Take magic. Back in the day, if a person could do something that no one could explain or duplicate, it was called magic. Magic is just science that can't be explained...yet. This is the "gift that keeps on giving." The ever explanding knowledge of magic, science and the universe around us.


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