STS-Summer I

Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Modest Proposal

I have read Swift's A Modest Proposal a few times before and I have always enjoyed his satirical view on population control. I really love reading it just to try to imagine the expressions on the faces of the British population as they read it, between the ones that would be disgusted and the ones who were so pompous that they actually thought about it for a minute. I really like how he seems so serious throughout the article, and in the beginning you think he has actually come up with some sort of decent proposal to help families in Ireland.
Then he simply suggests that they poor children of Ireland should be sold to be eaten, and their skin used for gloves. He speaks of it like it is such a simple matter, and looks at it from every angle, suggested how much meat would come of it, and what the cost should be. If not for the bitterness thrown out through the pamphlet, and the utter ridiculousness, it would be very believable. He talks about some of the other advantages, like getting rid of more Catholics, promoting marriage because their wives would now be like mares to breed, and giving them something valuable and more easily attained then pig or sheep. In the end it becomes clear that he simply just wants to help out his countrymen, to make Ireland a better place for everyone.


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